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Against a dull grey sky, a pattern of cracks in the rocky surface form perfect hexagons — each exactly 30.5 yards in diameter. Towers of hard rock thrust from the surface, their six-sides chiselled perfectly. But this is no strange art installation or training ground… this is the natural landscape of Actaea III


Actaea III

Medium average barren colony

Astronomical Data
Parent Star Actaea Prime (G2V; yellow dwarf main-sequence)
Orbital Position 3; AU 1.1
orbital period 0.98 years
rotation 26.3 hours
Size average (radius 5,980 km)
gravity 1.4G (average)
Atmosphere heavy
composition earthlike
Type barren (colony)
Satellites 2
rings —
Civilization Data
Civilization colony
Advancement level 9 (advanced FTL)
Wealth average (credit limit —)
Population Data
Population 2 billion (60% human; 25% borian; 15% other)
Government democracy
Lawfulness B (lawful)
Habitability Rating 6
Sociological Rating 10
Catalog Code G8-m3B-C9iii-8deB